KOREA UNIVERSITY Division of Biotechnology

  • Sitemap
  • Korea Univ.
  • 한국어


Course of Study
Academic Number Course Title Course of Study
LIST 201 Cell Biology I The course provides basic knowledge on structures and functions of animal cells, and their important relationships to surrounding microenvironment.
LIST 202 Cell Biology Ⅱ This lecture will focus on basic molecular and cell biological concepts by studying on a variety of genetic regulation, cell cycle regulation, and cellular physiology.
LIST 203 Microbiology Ⅰ Students will take lectures on fundamental knowledge of microbiology and their relationship with bioindustry.
LIST 204 Microbiology Ⅱ As a continued course of Microbiology I, advanced information on microbial properties and application will be given to students.
LIBT 202 Experimental Design and Data Analysis for Biologists This lecture aims to teach students to know the pitfalls and assumptions of particular statistical models, to be able to design experiments and to interpret the output of analyses optimally.
LIBT 215 Animal Physiology This course will provide an overview of physiological functions including circulation, immunity, respiration, digestion, metabolism, endocrine control, muscle contraction, neural control and reproduction, and introduces their coordination to accomplishes particular tasks essential for life.
LIBT 216 Nutritional Physiology Fundamental principles on the structures and functions of digestive organs. Nutrients and their digestion, absorption, transportation and metabolism. Concept on energy and its mechanism regulating food intake offered through lectures.
LIBT 217 Animal Molecular Genetics This course provide more detailed genetic information and experimental evidence. Students will understand the basic processes of gene transmission, interaction, mutation, expression and regulation. The materials on population genetics and evolutionary genetics are included and special features of genetic application in the fields of genetic analysis are discussed. Throughout the course students will learn formulating genetic hypotheses, working out their consequences, and analysing results against observed data.
LIBT 223 Anatomy &Histology This course provides the basic knowledge about normal structure of cells, tissues and organs to explain the function in organisms and introduces structure-function relationships from the macromolecular to organ level.
LIBT 240 Propagation Technology Lectures of seed propagation and vegetative propagation; cutting, grafting, layering, division and separation.
LIBT 243 Plant Physiology Lecture on components and nutrients of crop plants, and emphasis on photosynthesis, carbon fixation, water relation, germination, growth, flowering and fruit physiology.
LIBT 245 Plant Biotechnology The course provides student with principles of molecular genetics and biotechnology in the aspect of major crop development. The course stress critical thinking, an approach that emphasizes understanding over memorization. Students will learn : history of biotechnology, molecular structure and function, genetic discoveries and hypotheses. Employment of molecular technology in function element production will be taught.
LIBT 247 Plant Pathology Pathogenesis, physiology and biochemistry of plant diseases. plant-pathogen interaction and mechanisms of plant disease resistance at the genetical, epidemiological, physiological, biochemical, and molecular biological aspects; plant disease diagnosis and forecasting; experiments of basic plant pathology.
LIBT 256 Introduction to Plant Medicine Basic informations of pathogenesis, diagnosis, epidemiology and genetics of plant diseases and insect pests; introduction of modern technologies for the control of pests in plant production.
LIBT 271 Organic Chemistry Ⅰ The student is introduced to the important functional groups present in such families as alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, alcohols, ethers, carboxylic acids, esters, amides, aldehydes, ketones, amines, and reactions and synthetic interconversion of these compounds.
LIBT 272 Organic Chemistry Ⅱ A continuation of Organic chemistry Ⅰ.
LIBT 274 Enzymology The focus of this course will be on the relationship between protein structure and function and the factors that make enzymes such powerful catalysts. A range of topics will be covered, including protein structure, chemical catalysis, basic enzyme kinetics, enzyme mechanisms, inhibitors of enzymes, allosterism and the regulation of enzymes. The ultimate goal will be an understanding of enzyme efficiency, specificity and reaction mechanism pathway through lectures and laboratory hours.
LIBT 275 Industrial Mathematics Linear algebra and matrix methods, ordinary differential equations, Fourier series, partial differential equations, numerical methods for differential equations, applications to engineering.
LIBT 276 Microbial Physiology Classification and description of metabolic types of microorganism, and the fundamentals of dissimilation and assimilation of biomolecule will be covered. The course will also include the regulation of microbial metabolism.
LIBT 284 Microbiology Laboratory Selective fundamental experimental topics will be dealt with for experimental part.
CHEM 231 Physical Chemistry In order to help students understanding the fundamental principles behind a variety of biological processes and life phenomena, fundamental concepts of physical chemistry will be introduced and various properties of celluler molecules and reactions will be taught.
LIST 301 Molecular BiologyⅠ The structure and functions of biomolecules in molecular level including replication, transcription, translation and their regulation inprocayotic and eucaryotic cells.
LIST 302 Molecular Biology Ⅱ The structure and functions of biomolecules in molecular level including replication, transcription, translation and their regulation inprocayotic and eucaryotic cells.
LIST 303 GeneticsⅠ Introduction of basic genetic principles and their experimental applications.
LIST 304 Genetics Ⅱ Exploration of the genetic tools in dissecting complex biological pathways such as developmental processes and regulatory systems
LIST 305 BiochemistryⅠ Biochemistry is the field of science that investigates the chemical and molecular reactions that sustain life. The goal of this course is to study these reactions in connection to their role in biological systems. The course will begin with a discussion of the structure and function of the biomolecules involved in those important reactions. Students will then study bioenergetic principles that rule the synthesis and degradation of biological macromolecules. Finally, the integration and regulation of metabolic pathways will be discussed.
LIST 306 Biochemistry II An Advanced study of biochemiscal metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Highlights include the integration of metabolisms with respect to DNA, RNA, Proteins and regulation of hormons and other molecules.
LIST 307 Functional Genomics This class will cover the aspects of genome-wide data. It will include (1) technology to produce genome-wide data including DNA microarray, (2) characteristics of genome-wide data, and (3) bioinformatics methods to access and analyze database.
LIBT 307 Applied Developmental Biology This course aims to provide students with an background regarding fertilization, early development and the related factors including gene, hormones and growth factors, and to give a brief introduction about biotechnology related with the developmental biology including transgenesis and stem cell biology.
LIBT 308 Pathomicrobiology Survey of selected diseases of humans and animals Includes basic coverage of mechanisms of infectious disease, immunology, infectious agents, diagnostic techniques. Disease topics will contain a wide range of infectious diseases caused by bacteria, virus, protozoa and fungi. It also covers comparative general pathology of animal and selected human diseases with emphasis on pathogenesis, pathophysiology, and morphologic and biochemical changes at the macroscopic, microscopic and molecular levels.
LIBT 311 Cell and Tissue Engineering Students will learn basic knowledge on types, physiochemical structure and biological function of biomaterials and be exposed to their application for replacing damaged tissues or organs
LIBT 315 Animal Nutrition &Feedstuffs An applied nutritional science where comparative characteristics of alimentary organs among animal species and the utilization process of major nutrients are discussed. Additionally characteristics of various feedstuffs and methodiology of their utilization and nutritive valuation are dealt with.
LIBT 322 Animal Resource Technology Students completing this course will have gained an understanding of the animal production procedure which is currently regarded as essential to describe the quality and traceability of various animal products. Such understanding will be built on the principles and information related with animal breeding, reproduction, feeding management and hygienic control which will serve as important prerequisites for trade and use of various animal foods and other products.
LIBT 325 Metabolic Regulation Most important thing in metabolic regulation is achieving of balance and maintaining of balance. Metabolic mechanism is controlled by inhibiting or stimulating key regulatory points in the pathway. Metabolic regulation is achieved by the activation and amount of key enzymes and products such as ATP.
LIBT 326 Animal Behavior and Environmental Control Motivation, patterns and identification of animal behaviors in relation with activities and welfare and their relevance in production management are firstly discussed. Successively, environmental factors and principles of its control, characteristics of animal housing systems and their operation as well as other kinds of management associated with farm equipments and manure handling will be dealt with in the lecture in combination with showing visual materials.
LIBT 327 Immunophysiology This course is designed to help student to understand a basic concept of immune systems. Students will learn about the mechanism and the expression pattern of the specific immune response. Also, this course will provide the knowledge about immunotherapy for diagnosis and treatment of individual diseases related to animal health including immunity against infectious agents, autoimmunity, hypersensitivity and graft rejection.
LIBT 330 Recombinant DNA Technology &Laboratory Students, with the combination of lecture and lab experience, will learn animal genetic engineering in details through the specific application examples of transgenic animals for improving genetic capability or for the production of physiologically functional materials
LIBT 332 Animal Molecular Breeding The course provides background to conventional animal breeding as well as reflecting the most recent development of molecular tools. Topics of subjects include strategies in animal development, genetics on both qualitative and quantitative traits, marker based molecular selection techniques, and genetic recombination and transformation. Special topics of recent molecular breeding technologies will be discussed.
LIBT 338 Technology in Plant Tissue Culture and Laboratory Applications of the recent dynamic tools in plant propagation and biotechnology for in vitro tissue culture are reviewed.
LIBT 340 Plant Breeding The lectures will include the fundamental theory of plant improvement for important genetic traits, breeding methods and techniques, and practical breeding processes in various food crops.
LIBT 343 Population Genetics Students will learn genetic and mathematical concept of population genetics, genetic variation and equilibrium structure in Mendelian population, forces that alter the genetic structure within a population, and maintaining mechanisms of genetic variation and evolutionary theory. Especially, new knowledges and experimental evidences resulted from employing diverse molecular markers and techniques will be presented.
LIBT 344 Molecular Plant Breeding The course provides background to conventional plant breeding as well as reflecting the most recent development of molecular tools. Student will be familiar with both cross hybridization technology and plant transformation. Topics of subjects include strategies in crop development, genetics on both qualitative and quantitative traits, marker based molecular selection techniques, and genetic recombination and transformation. Special topics of recent molecular breeding technologies will be discussed. Students will experience novel laboratory tools for crop improvement.
LIBT 346 Conservation Genetics Theories and methods for the conservation of genetic diversity and genetic resources in diverse living organisms. Practical measures and methods for conservation of genetic diversity will be included. Also, application of genetic data based on different markers to determining the size and the number of populations and individuals to be conserved will be introduced.
LIBT 349 Floriculture Science General lectures of classification, cultivation, propagation, breeding, and flower forcing in ornamental plants as well as trends of public consumers during industrial development. Practical flower production, management and marketing are also practiced in the class.
LIBT 354 Olericulture and Herbs The lecture will give detailed information on classification, cultivates, ecological characters, environmental friendly cultivation, use, healthy effects, and practical cultivation in home garden of vegetables and herbs.
LIBT 359 Natural Product Chemistry The natural products produced by life systems play an important role in various biological phenomena and also provide biologically active substances for drug discovery studies for animal and plant health care. This course provides knowledge on classification and identification of natural products and their biological and chemical characteristics. The state of the art technologies on purification and structural analysis of natural products will be included.
LIBT 360 The regulation of plant secondary metabolism The goal of this course is to understand the basic knowledge in the regulation of plant secondary metabolism. The approaches to cover plant genetic engineering will be discussed.
LIBT 361 Fungal Plant Diseases General characteristics, physiology, morphology, and genetics of plant pathogenic fungi; specific fungal plant diseases including characteristics, classification, identification, symptoms, life cycles, and controls of the fungal diseases.
LIBT 362 Plant Pharmacology and Laboratory Application of chemical and biological pesticides, physicochemical factors and mode of actions of pesticides, the major chemical groups for the control of plant diseases, insect pests and weeds, and the side effects arising from the use of pesticides.
LIBT 365 Pomology Understanding of the present condition and problem through the lecture in relation to cultural environment, varieties property, propagation, training and pruning, pest control and storage and use of apple, pear, grape, peach, persimmon.
LIBT 366 Instrumental Analysis and Laboratory This course covers primary knowledge of analytical instruments. Special emphasis is on analytical aspect of spectroscopy.
LIBT 367 Introduction of Plant Factory On account of serious climate changes the plant production in field condition is not simple. So for the constant production without affects of cultural conditions plant factory system is one of new cultural method. This lecture concern with on the principles and practicals of plant production using factorial system.
LIBT 368 >Plant Disease Control Plant disease management and control using cultural practices as well as physical, biological, and chemical controls for the purpose of reduction of disease occurrence, and therapy.
LIBT 369 >Plant Bacteriology and Laboratory Morphology, taxonomy and identification, physiology, metabolism, and genetics of plant pathogenic bacteria; plant-bacteria interaction; pathogenesis of bacterial diseases; bacterial disease resistance and control measures; economically important bacterial diseases; application of plant bacteriology to life science and biotechnology; experiments of plant bacteriology.
LIBT 371 Microbial Biotechnology Based on the basic information about microorganisms, students will take lectures on products from microorganisms and their industrial processes as well as the future of microbial biotechnology.
LIBT 377 Introduction to Synthetic Biology Synthetic biology aims to 1) employ biological parts and processes to design or construct the system that is not existing in nature and 2) re-design and fabrication of existing biological systems. This course aims to introduce the fundamental components of synthetic biology and study the working and design principles of biological circuits.
LIBT 381 Biophysics Various physicochemical methods will be studied that can enhance our knowledge on the function and structure of biological macromolecules.
LIBT 382 Microbial Biotechnology Ⅱ &Laboratory As a continued course of Microbial Biotechnology I, students will take lectures and experiments on advanced informations from microbial biotechnology.
LIBT 387 Bioprocess Unit Operation Heat transfer, mass transfer, fluid mechanics ect will be studied to learn fundamental knowledge for bioprocess.
LIBT 388 Biomacromolecules Engineering Understanding the function and structure of Biomacromolecules and discussion of the basic scientific methods. Discussion on the specific protein structure will be conducted.
LIBT 390 Biochemical Engineering Lectures on cultivation of microorganisms, reaction kinetics, aeration, sterilization, and immobilized enzyme will be provided to improve student's understanding of their applications to microbial bioindustry.
LIBT 391 Molecular Virology and Biotechnology Molecular Virology and Biotechnology aims to cover the basic knowledge on host-dependent replication and host-interaction of viruses at the molecular level and to study applications of such knowledge in the field of biotechnology.
LIBT 392 Biopharmaceutical Technology Recent advances in the biopharaceutical industry and development/manufacturing technologies will be studies.
LIBT 399 Research methods in nutrition This course is to provide knowledge on the methods for animal experiment in nutrition. Background of nutrient analysis and molecular method for determining change of cell or tissue metabolism will be provided.
LIET 331 Plant Ecology Functional principles of plant production, and their relation to environments.
LIET 344 Analytical Chemistry Basic theory of gravimetric, vlometric, chromatrographic, and optical analysis will be presented. Acid-base and chelate titration will be also touched.
LIST 401 Cancer Biology This course will provide a variety of extra- and intra-cellular signal transduction and their regulation affected to cancer cell growth and metastasis based on molecular- and cellular-biological concepts
LIBT 401 Biotechnology and Industry This course provides students field excursions and discussions on the issues and problems found from the surveys on production fields related to biotechnology and genetic engineering.
LIBT 414 Endocrinology The course emphasizes on the understanding of growth and differentiation of animals through the information of hormonal actions at the genetic, biochemical, and molecular levels
LIBT 415 Reproductive Medicine This course involves the lecture on reproduction-related physiology at the biochemical, cellular and molecular biological aspects and the updated seminar on human reproductive disease and assisted reproductive technology
LIBT 411 Stem Cell Biology This course, with the combination of lecture and lab, emphasizes on the understanding of establishment, maintenance and differentiation of stem cells and provides students with experimental skills to handle embryonic &adult stem cells.
LIBT 433 Transgenic Modeling This lecture will focus on the development of transgenic and knock-out animal models (C. elegans, Drosophila, mouse, economic animal) for the various human diseases.
LIBT 436 Bioinformatics This course provides the details of the computational principles and applications for genome-wide DNA sequence and array data to make new discovery.
LIBT 438 RNA technology Non-coding RNAs have recently known to participate in a variety of steps of gene expression, acting as regulators. Students will learn how non-coding RNAs are expressed and are applicable to various aspects of human diseases, including diagnosis and therapy. This class also aims students to understand the regulatory mechanisms of gene expression mediated by non-coding RNAs.
LIBT 439 Animal Current Topics in Biotechnology Presentations and discussions on the current trends of animal biotechnology research and industry fields, finding out problems and solutions developed by individually or in groups will be held in seminar format.
LIBT 442 Molecular Forest Breeding Lecture on the basic knowledge and skills on the application of molecular genetics to forest tree breeding. Importance and potential values of molecular genetic methods in traditional tree breeding by selection and hybridization etc. as well as gene transformation techniques will be introduced.
LIBT 453 Plant Virology Diagnosis, morphology, and structure of plant pathogenic viruses; virus infection processes; biological functions of viral components; physiology, biochemistry, and molecular genetics of plant virus diseases; control measures; economically important virus diseases; significance of plant virology in plant industry.
LIBT 461 Biochemical Toxicology This class covers the chemical aspects of toxic substances' exposure, transformation, and elimination by biological systems. It also address issues of environmental biochemistry, genetic aspects of toxicology, toxic effects to various body systems, and xenobiotics analysis.
LIBT 474 Biotechnology of Biomass and Bioenergy This course introduces students to the science and engineering of converting biorenewable resources (biomass) into bioenergy and biobased products (valuable chemicals). • Biomass : Biomass generation &utilization, properties of biomass, agriculture crop &forestry residues used as fuels. • Bioenergy : Types of bio fuels, production processes and technologies, bio fuel applications, ethanol as a fuel for vehicle engines, relevance with industrial economy. • Biorefinery: Bio based chemicals and materials: Commercial &industrial products, biomass feed stocks, chemicals, plastics, fibers, etc.
LIBT 475 Industrial Microbiology Industrial microbiology is the study of possible utilization of microorganisms in various industrial processes, or the processes in which the activities of these microorganisms may become significant in industries or in technology. Knowledge gained in this field has lead to the development of many concepts, which in turn resulted in action.
LIBT 483 Forensic Studies Laws and regulations for patent, LMO, Biosafty, Biological Weapon Convention ect which are related to bioindustry and research and development will be studied.
LIBT 485 Forest Biotechnology This lecture provides basic knowledge and information on the application of biotechnology to forest genetic resources. Development, identification and mass production of new metabolites and bioactive compounds from forest plants will be main topics.
LIBT 487 Plant Genetic Resources Understanding of the current status and varietal and cultural improvement of crops will be emphasized. Morphological and physiological properties of palnt, seed formation and development, seed chemistry, germination and dormancy will be the major subjects of the lecture.
LIBS 474 Signal Transduction The purpose of this subject includes to understand the signaling networks among different cellular factors associated with various cellular events that include cell proliferation, differentiation, and death, and to understand interrelationship between signal transduction and the pathogenesis of human diseases.
LIBS 478 Inflammatory Biology In this course, we will cover recent research filed on inflammatory response
LIBT 490 Biotechnology Internship Program In this course students will have a chance to participate in internship program (4 weeks in summer session) in association with biotechnology related companies, in order to expand knowledge and experience in the field of biotechnology.