KOREA UNIVERSITY Division of Biotechnology

  • Sitemap
  • Korea Univ.
  • 한국어

Regulations on Graduation Thesis

Forms Related to Graduation Thesis (Academic Advisor Change Request, Interim Report, Confirmation of Submission, and Thesis Form)





The graduating students of the Division of Biotechnology in the College of Life Sciences & Biotechnology are required to write a graduation thesis based on research conducted under the guidance of an academic advisor (in principle, they are required to conduct experimental research, but non-experimental research, such as a general survey of the field, statistical research, and bioinformatics analysis, is also permitted) or based on a literature review. Those who write a thesis based on experimental research are given two semesters to complete it, and they must submit an interim report at the end of the first semester and a graduation thesis at the end of the second semester. Those who write a thesis based on non-experimental research have one semester to complete their work. They must submit a graduation thesis at the end of the semester and no presentation or interim report submission is required.

Thesis Timeline


Thesis Timeline
Date of Graduation Schedule Detail
(the former part)
3.1~3.15 Academic Advisor Change Request Period (Students who plan to conduct experimental research start their research.)
~6.15 Deadline for interim report submission (for students who conduct experimental research only)
1.20 Deadline for graduation thesis evaluation and confirmation of submission *A deadline extension is not possible.
(the former part)
9.1~9.15 Academic Advisor Change Request Period (Students who plan to conduct experimental research start their research.)
~12.15 Deadline for interim report submission (for students who conduct experimental research only)
7.20 Deadline for graduation thesis evaluation and confirmation of submission *A deadline extension is not possible.



1. Academic Advisor Assignment

  • In principle, students are assigned a professor in their division as their academic advisor.
         (A student who has a particular faculty member other than the one they are assigned in mind as his/her academic advisor can change their academic advisor with the consent of the faculty member they are originally assigned. The student must fill out and submit the Academic Advisor Change Request Form.)
  • • Students double-majoring in the Division of Biotechnology are allowed to choose their academic advisor.

2. In principle, students who plan to write a graduation thesis based on experimental research must submit an interim report to the Administration Office of the Division of Biotechnology at the end of the first semester of thesis preparation. )

3. Thesis form and format

  • • Submit a thesis written in English or Korean of around 30 pages (including tables and figures; in 11 point font) on A4 size paper.
  • • Refer to graduate school thesis format (abstract, introduction, materials & methods, conclusion & consideration, references, etc.).
  • • The first page of the final graduation thesis must contain the signatures of the author and the academic advisor.

4. How to submit the final thesis

  • Students must prepare two copies of the final thesis by the submission deadline and submit one copy to their academic advisor.
        The students should keep the other copy and submit a confirmation of submission form (which includes the title of the thesis and the signature of the academic advisor) to the Administration Office of the Division of Biotechnology.